There will be seven Pre-Congress Symposiums taking place on Wednesday 14 June 2023 and these will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Most symposiums are full day programs and will commence at 10am and conclude at approximately 4pm. Numbers are limited for each symposium so register early to avoid disappointment.
The Rad Onc and Gynae symposiums will be half day sessions and the timings are noted below.
Please click on the symposiums below to read more details.
Cancer nursing education: From pandemic to global nursing shortfall
Empowering Nurse Leaders in Cancer Care
CNSA Cancer Nurse Practitioners Advanced Practice Workshop (For SPN Members only)
Grant-writing workshop for Early-Career Researchers
Vascular access device selection, get it right the first time!
Equity in Cancer Care: Radiation Oncology nurses meeting the challenge (HALF DAY)
The challenge of equity in Gynaecological Cancer Care (HALF DAY)
Cancer nursing education: From pandemic to global nursing shortfall
Covid-19 presented cancer nurse educators with unprecedented challenges to support practice development of established cancer nurses and transition to practice for nurses new to the profession and those new to cancer care. The global nursing shortfall has further compounded these challenges, and cancer nurse educators have had to develop innovative and flexible approaches to support the learning needs of an increasingly diverse nursing workforce. The need to innovate and rethink models of clinical teaching and learning has come in the context of prolonged underinvestment in clinical education teams. There is opportunity, as organisations now look to their education teams to deliver attractive recruitment and retention opportunities, to demonstrate the value and importance of clinical nurse educators to quality and safety of care and critically, to workforce sustainability. This symposium will bring together three national cancer nursing education teams (public and private) to share and discuss innovations and initiatives developed during the pandemic and in response to the workforce shortage.
Preliminary Objectives:
- Share international, national, and local efforts to support and deliver cancer nursing education in a time of change
- Discuss and identify patient-sensitive education outcomes to help build a body of evidence to demonstrate impact of clinical education teams
- Discuss and identify nurse-sensitive education outcomes (wellbeing, recruitment, retention) to inform current and future cancer nursing education approaches
Empowering Nurse Leaders in Cancer Care
This symposium will introduce cancer nurses working towards or employed in leadership positions to the business of a Health Service and how to use this knowledge to drive change and innovation. Attendees will participate in interactive sessions to explore how resources are allocated and managed and consider how data is used across the organisation to inform practice and service design. This will be contextualised in small group work where participants will apply learnings to influence change.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this symposium participant will be able to;
- Understand sources of funding and funding distribution in healthcare, and how it applies to their role;
- Understand how expert judgement is used in planning, managing, implementing and evaluating change in workplace practice; and
- Understand how to leverage this knowledge and use their leadership skills to influence and drive change.
CNSA CNP Advanced Practice Workshop
The symposium content and learning objectives will be for advanced nursing clinicians currently working as a Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner Candidate or Nurse Practitioner Student.
The objective of the workshop is to develop advanced nursing practise skills and knowledge in the cancer and palliative care setting as well as an opportunity for both new and old members to meet, collaborate and network together.
The workshop topics will be focusing on Haematology and Infectious Diseases.
The learning objectives of the workshop will include:
- Haematology - management of iron deficiency and vaccinations for patient’s post-transplant and administration of live vaccines.
- Infectious Diseases - assessment and management of Prophylactic Anti-Virals, Opportunistic Infections in Immune Compromised Oncology and Haematology Patients, PJP, Hepatitis Serology and AB Stewardship.
Grant-writing workshop for Early-Career Researchers
This symposium is for Early Career Researchers in the process of, or within five years of completing higher degree research; clinician researchers; or others applying for competitive grants. Content will be applicable to national scheme grants and relevant for any grant application.
Attendees will participate in interactive sessions with access to successful national scheme grant recipients, and will have the opportunity to apply learnings in group work.
Learning objectives
Participants will gain greater insight in how to access grant opportunities, engage with consumers in projects, write with more clarity, manage grant components, and promote themselves and their team, using strategies discussed and learnings from group work.
Attendees who have a grant proposal or idea are encouraged to bring it for use in groups.
Click here to download the full program
Vascular access device selection, get it right the first time!
Wrong vascular access devices (VADs) are inserted, using traditional techniques, most VADs are involved in adverse events, devices are removed prematurely, and the cancer patient experiences painful and distressing complications. It is time to implement current evidence into clinical practice to guide the selection of the most appropriate VAD for the individual patient so one device is inserted for the duration of their therapy, no complications.
Learning objectives:
- To answer two clinically relevant questions: a. How does the clinical team decide what the most appropriate vascular access device is for the individual patient & the prescribed therapies to preserve vessel health? b. How is the patient included, informed and actively involved in the decision making process for the most appropriate vascular access device for them & their prescribed therapies to preserve their vessel health?
- To detail clinically relevant resources to support evidence-based, standardised clinical practice via a CNSA algorithm/pathway/decision tool etc to guide: a. Device selection b. Difficult intravascular access
- To discuss patient resources ie Patient information sheets to assist patients in decision making process for the most appropriate and suitable type of VAD
Equity in Cancer Care: Radiation Oncology nurses meeting the challenge
The Radiation Oncology Nursing Specialist Practice Network (RON SPN) will host a half day symposium. Our focus will be to stimulate nurses thoughts on how Equity in Cancer Care actually works in reality.
The topics presented will stimulate the nurses thoughts, beliefs and practices regarding equity in not only cancer care but healthcare in general. Some topics will be structured to promote audience participation and interaction
We aim to provide sessions that are both informative and interactive.
Topics we have chosen to explore include:
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (CALD)
- Rural and Remote communities
- Aboriginality: Are we making a difference?
- Acknowledging the value of radiation oncology nursing in cancer care
- Radiotherapy in pandemic times
- Outpatient department nursing – it’s a whole new world
But wait. We are providing equitable cancer care. Aren’t we?
Click here to download the full program
The challenge of equity in Gynaecological Cancer Care
The Gyn SPN Pre-Congress Symposium is an opportunity for those working or interested in the area of gynaeoncology to participate in professional development with a specialty focus. It will also be an opportunity to network and interact with other nurses involved in gynaecological cancer care.
The educational content of the symposium will include aspects of Gynaecological Cancer Care focusing on equity for all our patients. The speakers will inform attendees of equity issues that are common in the Gynaecologic Cancer speciality and provide opportunities to discuss how to address them. Topics will include discussions of equity in relation to support services, LGBTQI+ community, disability, First Nations people and residential location, and how each of these impact our patients.
Click here to download the full program